The Uncomics anthology is out!

The Uncomics anthology is out!

Uncomics – an artistic field where contemporary art and comics inform each other.

Where the absence of sequence encourages the reader to investigate the picture plane(s) in any direction and order, becoming an active co-creator in the process.

A space outside the tedious limitations of story, where images both abstract and suggestive interact.

The Uncomics anthology has arrived from the printer, and is available for purchase at Hybriden webshop!

It’s a beast of a book, 180 pages of lush, full colour artwork by outstanding artists working in the fertile borderland where comics and fine art cross-pollinate. Abstract comics? Collage? Sewn comics? We have them all!

If this book doesn’t expand your understanding of comics’ potential as a form of expression, nothing will.

Read more, and see samples of all contributions on our Uncomics anthology page!

The Uncomics anthology is out now from CBK Comics, and can be purchased at Hybriden webshop.

Allan Haverholm

Allan Haverholm

Allan Haverholm is a graphic artist, independent artistic researcher, editor, curator and performer. His experimental comics practice has been exhibited across Europe and North America, and he has given talks, courses and workshops across Northern Europe. Since his 2015 abstract comic "When the last story is told", he has formulated the field of uncomics to describe and study similar multidisciplinary practices in comics and contemporary arts.

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